Glasser Series Audiobooks – Canadian Smoke, Viral, A Death Worse Than Dying

Glasser Series Audiobooks – Canadian Smoke, Viral, A Death Worse Than Dying


Draper’s Girl is attempting to fall off the grid, but time off or ‘personal time’ doesn’t exist within the Organization. Additionally, her secret sabbatical and therapy sessions are working … bringing up long buried memories and horrors of her childhood. With a trove of data she’s acquired from Draper, she flirts with the idea of Accelerating – the method Jack Glasser uses in his research – in an attempt to make sense of it all. Concurrently, Amin suffers a devastating loss in Atlanta, pulling in Luke, Chas and Quan in an attempt to unravel two mystery deaths. Slowly and painfully, they peel back layers of a larger conspiracy to defraud a church … a plan crafted by Organization members. When Draper’s Girl’s trail leads back to Atlanta as well, once again she finds her fate intertwined with the Glassers and their employees. For Amin and Draper’s Girl, closure seems distant, but with each body that drops, they come closer to the truth.

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  • A Death Worse Than Dying - Chapter 1

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