Buick City 1AM

Buick City 1AM


“Buick City, 1:00 AM” is a podcast opera about a woman traveling back in time to 1984 to prevent the murder of her father, an auto-worker in Flint, Michigan.

Recent Episodes

  • The Future is Bleak (reprise)

    5 years ago
  • Electric Dream (reprise)

    6 years ago
  • At Least You're Not There (reprise)

    6 years ago
  • I Met Hope and Defeat Again (reprise)

    6 years ago
  • Secrets and Lies (reprise)

    6 years ago
  • The Gnome (reprise)

    6 years ago
  • Atonement (reprise)

    6 years ago
  • The Same Answer for Every Question (reprise)

    6 years ago
  • Song for Skip (reprise)

    6 years ago
  • Buick City 1:00 AM—Episode 4

    6 years ago