Podcasts – Strictly Professional
by Chas Emerick & Friends
February 5, 2010 12:03 am
This is what you get when a bunch of software people get together after-hours. We tend to talk about whatever we want — there’s never any formal agenda, but the topics discussed generally cluster around programming, business issues around software (as we often have a couple of software company founders on the ‘cast), and whatever bits of technology we’ve been working or playing with recently. So far, we record approximately every other week. Go to http://strictlyprofessional.wordpress.com for more info, show notes, etc.
Recent Episodes
Strictly Professional #005: “If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read!”
15 years agoPodcast #004: The one where Chas discovers the rimshot effect
15 years agoPodcast #003: Do I look more like Hannnibal or Murdock?
15 years agoPodcast #002: We don’t need no steenking editing!
15 years agoPodcast #001
15 years ago