My life as a programmer

My life as a programmer


Daily answers to programming questions

Recent Episodes

  • When do you coach software devs?

    3 days ago
  • Is Wordpress a good choice for a startup?

    4 days ago
  • How to get the mindset of a seasoned frontend dev?

    5 days ago
  • Have you read any philosophy that made you think about software development differently?

    6 days ago
  • What if I want to start my own IT company?

    7 days ago
  • How to tell a dev that they are not productive enough?

    1 week ago
  • How to deal with slow devs?

    1 week ago
  • Is cleaning up messy code one of the best feelings for software devs?

    1 week ago
  • With remote working options should devs still pick a good city to work in?

    2 weeks ago
  • How get a IT company that pays really well?

    2 weeks ago