VernissageTV Art TV

VernissageTV Art TV


Video podcast that covers opening receptions / previews of selected art venues and interviews artists and other protagonists of the world of contemporary art, design and architecture. Web site:

Recent Episodes

  • Dominique Fung: A Tale of Ancestral Memories, 2023 / Art Basel Unlimited 2024

    5 days ago
  • Torkwase Dyson: Errantry, 2024 / Art Basel 2024 Unlimited

    6 days ago
  • Jorge Raka: Miedus Domesticus (Domestic Fear), 2024 / Swiss Art Awards 2024

    1 week ago
  • Yayoi Kusama: Aspiring to Pumpkin’s Love, the Love in My Heart, 2023

    1 week ago
  • Lorena D’Ercole: Goditela / Ortygia, Italy

    1 week ago