Finance YOUR Movie!

Finance YOUR Movie!


How to raise money for an independent feature, documentary, short film, or web series even if you’ve failed before. Discover the step-by-step process (secrets, tips & strategies) including WHO are the best potential investors, WHERE to find them, WHEN to contact them and exactly WHAT to say when you approach them. This show will give proven advice to anyone looking to raise between $25K to $2.5 million for their project.

Recent Episodes

  • 638. Another Movie Funded!

    1 week ago
  • Episode 637. Avoid the “One” Stupid Thing that could spook a potential investor.

    2 weeks ago
  • 636. Pericles Rellas (“Money Mindset” expert) shares priceless advice for indie filmmakers fundraising for their movies.

    3 weeks ago
  • 635. Attorney Schuyler Moore shares sage advice for filmmakers who are looking to get their “projects greenlit.” (Part II)

    4 weeks ago
  • 634. Attorney Schuyler Moore shares “What film investors should ask before investing?” (Part I)

    4 weeks ago
  • 633. Scott Jones shares advice on understanding your film’s market & audience, fundraising and what his company looks for in producing and picking up finished films including “A Rocky Mountain Affair”

    1 month ago
  • 632. Dr. Chris Whaley and the Incredible True story of “The Masked Saint” and the amazing journey how a multi-million movie came together!

    1 month ago
  • 631. Coach, sales expert and author Kevin Ray Ward shares valuable strategies & advice on how to get more investors to say YES!

    2 months ago
  • 630. Producer William Garcia discusses raising equity, doing product placement & integration, etc. for indie films including his latest movie “Rally Caps”!

    2 months ago
  • 629. Monroe Mann: “Guerilla Networking” your way into long term capital relationships that may end up funding your next project!

    2 months ago