Daily Grit with Matt Weathers

Daily Grit with Matt Weathers


In our home, growing up, there was a simple poem on the wall called “The Test” by Carlyle Strauss. When my grandfather, a World War II Veteran, retired as a Police Officer the poem was a gift from the precinct. My father inherited it and I received it after graduation. It speaks of a man who faces adversity “with his head held high,” who “wins in the by-and-by for he isn’t afraid to fail.” It echoes the advice that Rocky gives to his son, “it ain’t about how hard you hit it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.” This podcast is meant to encourage and empower you to “keep moving forward.” It takes daily courage and true grit to do so. My hope for you is that if you get knocked down, you don’t stay down. That you help the person to your left and to your right. And that in the midst of adversity and the various challenges of life, you can rest assured that you have “dared greatly…to spend yourself in a worthy cause.” This is Daily Grit, Winning in the By-and-By, and No One Gets Left Behind.

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