You Rock! With Sherri Johnson

You Rock! With Sherri Johnson


Welcome to the You Rock! With Sherri Johnson Podcast.
The purpose of this podcast is to help you become a rockstar agent!
For the last 20 years, Sherri has trained and coached agents like you.
Sherri has helped new agents sell 0 to 6 million in their first year and she’s helped teams sell from 10 million to over 100 million!
On this show, Sherri will interview top agents from around the country and share with you all of her tips and strategies!

Recent Episodes

  • Run Your Company Like a Business l Ep 313

    11 months ago
  • The Game Changer l Ep 313

    11 months ago
  • The Three R's l Ep 312

    11 months ago
  • Prioritizing Your Client's Needs l Ep 311

    11 months ago
  • The Secret of Goldmine Pipeline l Ep 310

    11 months ago
  • The Secret of Goldmine Pipeline l 309

    11 months ago
  • Convert Your Leads Into Listing l Ep 308

    11 months ago
  • Tip of the Month - Thanking Your Past Clients, Referral Sources, And Asking For More Business l Ep 307

    11 months ago
  • Give Yourself a Raise l Ep 306

    11 months ago
  • The Monitary Value of Your Leads l Ep 305

    11 months ago