The Daily Dollar

The Daily Dollar


Cait & Art let you in on their daily conversations where they discuss all things real estate in a very candid, conversational, and educational way EVERY. SINGLE. WEEKDAY. Join us for REAL real estate conversations broken down so that everyone and anyone can understand and learn…oh and we’ll have some fun while we’re at it 😉 Each episode will bring value to your day, WE PROMISE!

Recent Episodes

  • Ep. 56 - How Much Does It Cost To Start An Air BNB Business?

    2 years ago
  • Ep. 55 - How Do You Determine A Good Air BNB?

    2 years ago
  • Ep. 54 - Rental Arbitrage. Should You Do It or Not in Air BNB?

    2 years ago
  • Ep. 53 - The Rise & Fall of Air BNB

    2 years ago
  • Ep. 52 - Why Private Equity Real Estate?

    2 years ago
  • Ep. 51 - Can Real Estate Agents "Screw You?"

    2 years ago
  • Ep. 50 - Will Home Prices Drop? & Why??

    2 years ago
  • Ep. 49 - Our First Buy and Hold Property

    2 years ago
  • Ep. 48 - Will Real Estate Agents Eventually Be Obsolete?

    2 years ago
  • Ep. 47 - What We Do Next?

    2 years ago