Real Estate Between The Lines

Real Estate Between The Lines


Brian Lee is an acclaimed real estate appraiser, broker, instructor, and construction expert with over 25 years of experience. He received his bachelor’s degree in Finance and Real Estate from Indiana University. (GO Hoosiers!) After a disappointing attempt at being the next Jedi Master in the latest Star Wars movie, he discovered the “Force” was strong with him as a Real Estate appraiser and speaker. Brian’s knowledge and experience has taken him across the galaxy to train agents on topics including: real estate appraisal, agency, brokerage, business operations, contracts, and investing. He loves helping agents provide value to their clients by adjusting agents’ perception and knowledge of valuation, CMA prep, and appraisers. When Brian isn’t yapping in front of an audience or assisting agents to achieve real estate mastery, he attempts to keep his wife happy and occasionally makes his kids laugh. (Jedi Mind Tricks don’t work on the strong-minded.) Real Estate Appraisal Between the Lines is all about helping agents understand the pieces and parts of the valuation process, appreciate why appraisers do what they do (besides make agents mad), and by providing tips to write a better CMA. Tune in every week for a new suggestion and an occasion dig at those pesky valuation experts. Brian currently resides in the Indianapolis area, where he rides his Harley and builds LEGOs. Make your day legendary!

Recent Episodes

  • Episode 133 - Agents Doing The Appraiser's Job

    2 years ago
  • Episode 132 - Tips to Prepare for the Slowdown

    2 years ago
  • Episode 131 - Times Are Changing: Does Down Payment and Concessions Affect Value?

    2 years ago
  • Episode 130 - Is YOUR Market Increasing?

    2 years ago
  • Episode 129 - Be Honest. Do Not Be Disingenuous.

    2 years ago
  • Episode 128 - Who is The Lender Looking Out For?

    2 years ago
  • Episode 127 - Change Your Mind

    2 years ago
  • Episode 126 - Personal Responsibility

    2 years ago
  • Episode 125 - Racial Bias in Appraisal with Guest Marcus Fillyaw

    2 years ago
  • Episode 124 - B Reaps What He Sows with Lexi and Jackson Lee

    2 years ago