Real Estate Accept This!

Real Estate Accept This!


Overpaying for a home is a risk some people believe they can afford in a Seller’s Market. For the rest of us there’s a smarter strategy. Join me to learn to keep more of your money, and outbid the competition on terms, not the price.

Recent Episodes

  • The Successful Buyer's Agent in a Seller's Market

    3 years ago
  • Ask Better Questions When Interviewing Real Estate Agents

    4 years ago
  • Does High Price Equal High Quality? Maybe.

    4 years ago
  • You know how it is when you need something...

    4 years ago
  • Made Money. That's your home equity.

    4 years ago
  • Essential Real Estate Custom Crafted Offers

    5 years ago
  • In Summary. The Concluding Episode to Accept This!

    5 years ago
  • Radon. The Case For Radon Mitigation...and against the testing contingency.

    5 years ago
  • Sales Fees are Paid From Equity, Not the Purchase Price

    5 years ago
  • FIRPTA 15% Tax and the New WI WB-11 Offer to Purchase

    5 years ago