Home Buyers Q & A

Home Buyers Q & A


Purchasing property is one of the biggest decisions that any of us will make during our lives and whether you are buying your first home, an investment property, downsizing from your family home or maybe just re-financing your current home, there are so many things you need to know.

There are many web sites, podcasts and other media that provide real estate sales, investment advice and market trends. That’s not what we are here for.

Home Buyers Q & A is a podcast that brings together experts from Geelong to provide the answers to the questions that they are regularly asked:

– How much can I borrow?
– Should I use a broker or go directly to a bank or other lender?
– What is a section 32 and why do I need one?

… and many, many others that our experts are asked almost every day.

Each episode will answer one or, maybe, two questions – that means you’ll be able to find the question that you want answered quickly and easily.

Recent Episodes

  • Is there a budgeting app that you can recommend to help us with our saving?

    4 years ago
  • When I purchase my new home, and it is subject to finance, how long do I have to arrange the finance?

    4 years ago
  • What does buying off-market mean?

    4 years ago
  • If my partner has previously bought a house but I haven't, can we still access the First Home Buyer Scheme?

    4 years ago
  • How can I be sure that my broker is choosing a loan that is best for me and not for their commission payments.

    4 years ago
  • Can I buy "subject to finance" at an auction?

    4 years ago
  • When I use a broker, do I have to pay the broker for their services?

    4 years ago
  • How do you check that what I tell you about my buying habits is true?

    4 years ago
  • If my settlement date is, say, the 13th of the month and I get paid on the 15th, can I arrange for the repayment to change each month?

    4 years ago
  • Someone told me that we should get every property checked for vermin, structural soundness, etc. Who pays for these services

    4 years ago