HOA Nightmares

HOA Nightmares


Join two millennials who are navigating the constant chaos of being on the board of a condo association. We tell crazy stories, read yours on air and offer highly unqualified advice!

Recent Episodes


    3 weeks ago
  • Bad Advice Will Cost Ya!

    1 month ago
  • $134,000 assessment

    1 month ago
  • Expensive Secrets

    2 months ago
  • No Way -LA

    3 months ago
  • That's Just Cruel

    3 months ago
  • Sure is a lot of STALLING!

    4 months ago
  • Lourdes Part Deux

    5 months ago
  • You're Suing Who??

    5 months ago
  • Does Pettiness Pay? Probably

    5 months ago