From New Agent To $48 Million Closed In Year 5

From New Agent To $48 Million Closed In Year 5


Always set goals with high expectations Invest in 3-4 hours of training ongoing Strong mindset and constantly compete with self Obsess over the process daily Keep the connections ongoing and always go deeper You can sit at home in your jammies or you can get to work

Recent Episodes

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  • The True Navy Seal Team

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  • 180,000,000 producing team in 1.5 years

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  • How I moved into a market and captured 20% Market Share in 3 years

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  • $110,000,000 Million in one year ... Oh....and he took 14 vacations

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  • Executing the 6 Key roles to build from 143 sales to over 3,000

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  • Mastering The Squad Leader/Mentor Model To Drive Productivity

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  • Integrator: The One Role That Will Set You Free

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  • 20 Agents Who Average 40 Plus Sales A Year with Brandon Brittingham

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  • How To Get Your Fee and Winning Through VA's

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