Follow Up Genius

Follow Up Genius


We’re dedicated to helping real estate agents find their fortune in follow up… by creating stronger relationships, generating more referrals and converting more leads.

Recent Episodes

  • What Zillow’s Recent 2020 Announcement Means For You

    3 years ago
  • Who Doesn't Use a CRM and Doesn't Feel the Need for One?

    4 years ago
  • What to Say When You Follow Up - Scripts, Tips & Tricks!

    4 years ago
  • The 6 Biggest Lessons I Learned About Business and Follow Up During COVID-19

    4 years ago
  • Which Leads Sources You Should Be Using (and Which Ones Suck?)

    4 years ago
  • What to Do When Your Friends and Family Didn't Refer or Use You to Buy or Sell

    4 years ago
  • How Your Lack of Accountability Can be Killing Your Productivity

    4 years ago
  • How to Use Coffee Meetings with Past Clients & SOI to Double Your Business!

    4 years ago
  • How Real Estate Agents Can Respond to Corona Virus (COVID-19) and Still Sell Homes

    4 years ago
  • Why Ads Seem to Follow You Around on the Internet

    5 years ago