Dear Housing Guru

Dear Housing Guru


Ready to succeed in Utah’s real estate market? Unlock the secrets with Dear Housing Guru! Tune into this valuable guide today for priceless tips – it’ll be worth every second! Each episode is hosted by Sandi Shoell and the Silver Dollar Man and features a local industry expert. Listeners can submit their questions about buying or selling properties – whether they are just starting out or already have some experience.

Recent Episodes

  • Melonie Carson | Can You Buy It? Decoding Home Affordability

    3 months ago
  • Katie Saxton | Transforming Your Selling Strategy

    9 months ago
  • Roger Berg | No Excuses Approach to Success

    9 months ago
  • Nancy Blum | Seize or Wait: The Housing Dilemma

    10 months ago
  • Michelle Koch | Choosing the Ideal Neighborhood

    11 months ago
  • Timber Kalkbrenner | The Divorce Dilemma: To Sell or Not to Sell Your House

    11 months ago
  • Scott Hodges | Is Now a Good Time to Buy?

    1 year ago
  • Bobbi Garcia | Why Staging?

    1 year ago
  • Meet Co-Host Sandi Shoell | An Escrow Officer's Perspective

    1 year ago