Logic Amen Speak On it

Logic Amen Speak On it


Logic Amen considers himself to be an artist, father, and educator. Amen has used his experience in media, music, and education to provide content for motivational speeches and workshops. In the area of media, he has published a magazine, created, hosted, and engineered a public television show, acted in roles for TV and video, and produced over 100 songs (several were used for his two albums and one for a music compilation released in 2001). He is currently producing shows for 91.3 KBCS radio. His education experience consists of multiple trainings and workshops on conflict management and resolution, which he uses daily to be successful in his job in the Seattle School District. Formerly, he was the debate coach for Meany Middle school and his team took second place honors in the 2005 Middle School Debate Championship held in Seattle, Washington. He is a two time invited speaker at the Washington Association of Black School Educators (WABSE). He recently spoke at Kent Meridian High School’s Martin Luther King Jr. assembly about the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King and the importance of racial harmony. He is currently looking for additional opportunities to speak and educate others based on his varied experiences and acquired knowledge. He is interested in speaking on the

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