Keeping Our Kids Safe and Out of Trouble
by The Law Offices Of Scott J. Limmer
July 9, 2024 2:22 am
Do You Know All the Ways Your Kids Can Get Into Trouble in School or with the Police? Once kids reach a certain age, they start using social media, have access to drugs and alcohol, get their driver’s licenses and then go off to college with even more risks. It’s not easy for parents to talk about these topics with their children but it is imperative that they do. And they have to say more than “Stay out of trouble” and “Do the right thing.” Criminal defense attorney and father, Scott Limmer gives parents the tools to explain to their children what the legal and school disciplinary systems are really like, the consequences of getting caught doing something wrong, and steps they both need to take if they ever find themselves in that situation so they can get the best possible result.
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