Access to Education; A focus on the Vulnerable – Building a Hope-filled Environment.

Access to Education; A focus on the Vulnerable – Building a Hope-filled Environment.


“Having somewhere to go is home, having someone to love is family, and having both is a blessing,” but this comes with plenty of emotionally draining challenges. Arise FM nurtures integral human growth anchored on Gospel values; nourishing listeners through music, Christian daily prayers, family support programs and high journalistic standards in News content both in quality and credibility; accurate, fair, complete, honest, respectful, independent, impartial, transparent and accountable. You need a companion for your family, tune on Arise FM for the most intimate and socially personal medium!

Recent Episodes


    2 years ago

    2 years ago
  • Painting a Smile on Faces of Girls who’ve Lost Hope of Education in Migori

    3 years ago