Digital Sketchbooks: Using tablets to support a museum art visit
by Oxford University
July 23, 2014 6:42 pm
This series of 5 short videos gives an overview of incorporating an iPad or tablet into a museum visit. The aim of these videos is to show how the use of iPads and tablets in a museum or classroom should not be a daunting one, but rather how the traditional paper sketchbook can work hand-in-hand with its touchscreen counterpart. The podcasts outline the use of three artistic apps – 123d Catch, Brushes 3 and Pic Collage. The series takes the viewer through each application and an expert gives advice and best use tips for each one. For further information and supporting PDF teaching resources visit: In this short introductory video, Helen and Adrian outline the key aims of the series of films and start to explain how iPads and tablets can effectively be used in a museum visit or in a classroom.
Recent Episodes
Introduction - iPads as a learning and research tool
10 years agoPic Collage - gathering, researching and editing on a tablet
10 years ago123d Catch - creating 3D images with an iPad or tablet
10 years agoBrushes 3 - Creating a visual masterpiece on an iPad
10 years agoConclusion - taking iPads and tablets into the classroom
10 years ago