The Wild Flower Bee Farm

The Wild Flower Bee Farm


Turning a 50 acre cash crop farm back to a wildflower bee sanctuary and business. Join me as I explain each week what we are doing and why we are bee “helpers” and not bee keepers. The name change on February 25, 2024, is reflected in the science that for me makes most sense. The goal is to listen to all aspects of beekeeping and to be an open and honest place for everyone to share their experience. The focus for our work and research continues to be on the conversion of the 50 acre farm back to nature and the re-wilding of lands in Nova Scotia. Treatment Free best describes what we are doing. Best to make that clear despite the usual backlash. Bee well.

Recent Episodes

  • 5 Queen Cells on One Frame This Works

    1 week ago
  • What Does Pollen Coming in Tell you About Hive Health

    2 weeks ago
  • Queen Castle and 2 Frame Nucs

    3 weeks ago
  • July 6 Hive Updates

    4 weeks ago
  • Summer Split Experiment

    1 month ago
  • Survivor Hive Update

    1 month ago
  • 2 Queens in One Hive?

    2 months ago
  • What is Treatment Free Beekeeping

    2 months ago
  • Russian Queens Have Arrived

    2 months ago
  • Queen Discoveries Part 2

    2 months ago