OG-30 operations generalist: a 30-day series

OG-30 operations generalist: a 30-day series


Operation generalists are the unsung magic-makers behind the scenes of any early-stage startup. This micro-podcast explores the excitement and challenges of being somebody who can do a little of everything. If you’re a generalist, a startup operator, or someone who hasn’t found your niche, this conversation is for you. This podcast is a part of the Personal Podcast Challenge by @grahamkmann and @austinschless.

Recent Episodes

  • Practice sesh

    3 years ago
  • Just because you're capable, doesn't mean you have to do it.

    3 years ago
  • Should we even say "generalist"?

    3 years ago
  • Welcome to OG-30, a podcast for generalists and startup operators.

    3 years ago