Lessons From A Failed Startup

Lessons From A Failed Startup


Perry Ogwuche who was previously a YC founder talks to other founders from the YC community and beyond with inactive companies to learn from their stories and unique experiences with running a business that they eventually had to shut down. Lessons from a failed startup podcast focuses on the stories of entrepreneurs who have started businesses that are among the 95% of businesses that don’t quite make it to the finish line.

Recent Episodes

  • Will investors invest in a founder who has had a failed startup? w/Nathan Lustig of Magma Partners

    3 years ago
  • The importance of building your company for customers and not investors w/Praful Mathur

    3 years ago
  • Getting back to the workforce after shutting down a company w/Ayush Kumar of Vitrix Health

    4 years ago
  • Shutting down one company and getting an acquisition offer the next day w/Peer Richelsen

    4 years ago
  • Why Glio, the first Latin American company in YC shut down with João De Paula

    4 years ago
  • Shutting down a growing business at it's peak with Gaurav Maken of Mylk Guys

    4 years ago
  • The story of YCombinator's GoScale (Heroku for pHp) and why it failed, with Co-founder Colin Hayhurst

    4 years ago
  • Being okay with the fact that your startup idea might be a bad idea and the importance of a good network

    4 years ago
  • Having a great idea and $1million and still needing to shut down. Discussing founder market fit w/Pranshu of Prayas

    4 years ago
  • Learning from multiple failed ideas before building a multimillion dollar business with John Coogan of Soylent

    4 years ago