Intercom on Marketing
by Intercom
May 22, 2018 7:35 pm
In this series Intercom takes you inside the marketing lessons we’ve learned the hard, expensive and messy way. We include the insights that helped us grow from zero customers to more than 20,000, but we’ve been careful to be honest and have worked hard to avoid the usual truisms. Instead, we’ve focused on actionable advice we think will benefit any early stage startup – from crafting early messaging, to managing a product launch, to keeping product and marketing aligned.
Recent Episodes
Chapter 13: Marketing your product to new customers
7 years agoChapter 12: How people buy your product
7 years agoChapter 11: So you want to build a brand?
7 years agoChapter 10: Life after launch – learning and iterating on your marketing
7 years agoChapter 9: Mastering a successful product launch
7 years agoChapter 8: Prioritizing product announcements
7 years agoChapter 7: Marketing for growth and survival
7 years agoChapter 6: Meet now, conquer now
7 years agoChapter 5: Content, then marketing
7 years agoChapter 4: Getting word of mouth for your startup
7 years ago