Entertainment Marketing – Event Marketing and Digital Marketing by Laurent Lootens – Lapin Quotidien

Entertainment Marketing – Event Marketing and Digital Marketing by Laurent Lootens – Lapin Quotidien


Weekly podcast about entertainment marketing, event marketing, digital marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, influencer marketing and entrepreneurship. As an owner of 3 (small) businesses I will share all my personal experiences on entrepreneurship. I will also provide you tons of value in event marketing & social media tips. Let’s connect! And if you would like to be a guest on my show, please connect via my website lapinquotidien.com Website : www.lapinquotidien.com Instagram / Twitter etc : @lapinquotidien

Recent Episodes

  • The Reason Why I Am Doing This Podcast

    5 years ago
  • Hospitality Expert & Brand Experience Manager Jim Cantens - About Failing in Business and Getting Up

    5 years ago
  • Entrepreneur Thomas Joos - Creating High Performance Teams - How To Scale An Event Agency

    5 years ago
  • The Ecosystem of Entertainment Marketing

    5 years ago
  • Event Marketer Jenny Björklöf - About The Entrepreneurial Drive, Linkedin Tips and The Power of Networking

    5 years ago
  • Lucas Decuypere - ADAGIO - About entrepreneurship as a lifestyle & digital customer journey design & customer experience online

    5 years ago
  • About Finding Your Purpose - Creating Disney For Dogs & Female Entrepreneurship

    6 years ago
  • Growing A Business? Or keeping it small? What makes you happier? About Real Entrepreneurship - Interview With Filip Smet - Lemon Companies

    6 years ago
  • About Happiness - From General Manager To Entrepreneur - Interview With Philippe Fierens

    6 years ago
  • How To Grow a Family Business - Interview with Christophe Morbee BESOX

    6 years ago