Work Less Make More

Work Less Make More


You started your visibility strategies in your business to get your message out there, reach more people and make a difference with your work. But the reality is… you work too hard for not enough revenue; your passion is strong but you need to pay your bills until you make it big. You love what you do, but you want to make more impact. Each week Donna Ashton shares tips and strategies to take what you’ve already created and quickly make money with courses or programs. Plus, you’ll hear interviews with powerful entrepreneurs using courses successfully in their businesses and those who are ready to add a program to their business and want to know what that would look like. All leading up to working a lot less in your business so you have time to explore passions, and live to the fullest. Let’s take all those years of expertise and experience and package them into an online course that leverages you business! Courses allow you to reach and help more people (wherever they live!) and provide the freedom to step away from your business.

Recent Episodes

  • Bridging worlds: Interview with Susan Morrow-Johnson

    3 days ago
  • Major mistakes Series (Part 2) - Post Launch Letdowns

    1 week ago
  • Major Mistakes Series (Part 2) - Creator Letdowns

    2 weeks ago
  • Major Mistakes Series (Part 1) - Planning Pitfalls

    3 weeks ago
  • Empowering Woman Through Soulful Courses with Dana Canneto

    1 month ago
  • Why Summer is the Perfect Time to Finish Your Course

    1 month ago
  • Courses in 2024? Why now is the time.

    1 month ago
  • What if Working Less was Easier?

    2 months ago
  • Turning Your Content Into a Digital Library with Jemima Blazdell

    2 months ago
  • Traits for Being an Amazing Course Creator

    2 months ago