Women Out Loud

Women Out Loud


ADHD-Friendly Life And Business Strategies For Women With Later-Life ADHD Diagnoses: If you are a woman with a later-life ADHD diagnosis, this highly unique podcast, hosted by Karrie Lemansky-Straub, was made with you and your unique brain in mind. Karrie, who was diagnosed with ADHD later in life after an anxiety and depression misdiagnosis for over a decade, is an ADHD educator AND business mentor to out-of-the-box thinkers and ADHD women. This fantastic podcast has a little something for everyone (whether you’re an entrepreneur or not). What makes this podcast different than the rest? The choose-your-own-adventure style with 2 episode types. There are ADHD-focused episodes to educate women about ADHD in day-to-day life AND business-focused episodes where Karrie delivers mentorship wisdom to neurospicy entrepreneurs who need ADHD-friendly business strategies. Karrie’s mission is to help you live a strength-focused life (while NEVER discounting the struggles that come with ADHD). This podcast will leave you feeling less alone, more empowered, and ready to take your ADHD by the balls. Now you and your beautifully divergent brain can tune in every week on Wednesdays for a brand-new episode.

Recent Episodes

  • Ep. 109: {BUSINESS Episode} - The RADICAL Move I'm Making So That You Know What Is Possible For YOU

    5 days ago
  • Ep. 108: {MINDSET Focus} - The ONE Thing I Keep Seeing Clients Doing Over and Over Again That Crushes Their Positive Mindset

    2 weeks ago
  • Ep. 107: {BUSINESS Focus} - A Problem Of Opposites? When Too MANY Content Ideas Throw You Into ADHD Paralysis, Do This To Get You Out IMMEDIATELY!

    3 weeks ago
  • Ep. 106: {BUSINESS Focus} - Are You Running Your Business Or Is Your Business Running You?

    4 weeks ago
  • Ep. 105: {ADHD Focus} - The Two Camps Of ADHD Women Diagnosed Later In Life-- Which One Are YOU In?

    1 month ago
  • Episode 104: {BUSINESS Focus} - Bragging, Ego vs. Storytelling and Connection - A Reframe You Need. NOW.

    1 month ago
  • Ep. 103: {ADHD Focus} - Lack Of Self-Esteem In Undiagnosed ADHD Women and How A Diagnosis Can Give It Back

    2 months ago
  • Ep. 102: {BUSINESS Focus} - Is This ONE THING Standing In Your Way?

    2 months ago
  • Ep. 101: (BUSINESS Focus) - Why I LOVE Imposter Syndrome - How To Reframe The Inner Ahole Negative Chatter

    2 months ago
  • EPISODE 100 BAYBEEE!! - Celebraing With YOU! How I Got From THERE to HERE: The Wins, The Lessons and Everything In Between

    2 months ago