Try Harder Is Not a Strategy

Try Harder Is Not a Strategy


Try Harder Is Not A Strategy is a podcast for recruiting professionals who are looking for actionable insights into what works in the talent space. The team at Recruiting Toolbox – all former corporate recruiting leaders, who now work with some of the most interesting recruiting teams (clients include startups to well known leaders like PepsiCo, Uber, Amazon, GE, Adidas, Electronic Arts, Target, Disney, Google, Nestle, IKEA, and Bloomberg) – interview interesting talent acquisition and hiring leaders doing interesting things. We go deep into the lessons our colleagues learned the hard way, the mistakes and wins they’ve made, the how-to (so we can all learn), and the “what’s next?” This podcast is designed to help you win in your job, and hopefully put a smile on your face as we uncover the interesting stories that make the talent space so interesting – it’s often both dysfunctional and incredibly impactful, under-resourced yet highly visible, incredibly stressful and incredibly rewarding and fun. We geek out on all things talent, and hope you enjoy our little show! #willnotsuck

Recent Episodes

  • Try Harder Is Not a Strategy 01: Roopesh Panchasra

    7 years ago