Recruiters Live Lounge | Get Inspired! | Weekly Interviews with the best Recruitment Business Leader

Recruiters Live Lounge | Get Inspired! | Weekly Interviews with the best Recruitment Business Leader


Inspiring interviews with today’s most successful recruitment business leaders brought to you weekly. Join us at as we take you on the journey of our spotlighted recruitment business leader. We start every podcast with their biggest failure before uncovering their ‘eureka moment’ and the actions they took to turn that moment into success. We then ask them what they are working on now and their vision for the future of recruitment. We end every episode with ‘The Lightning Round’ – 5 Questions that will unlock golden nuggets of information for you to take away and use im

Recent Episodes

  • #44 Karinna Shields of Concur Engineering talks to Roy Ripper about getting into the right mindset for success.

    8 years ago
  • #43 Abigail Brown of talks to Roy Ripper about doing a quality job for your clients.

    8 years ago
  • #42 Steven Convery of Concur Engineering talks to Roy Ripper about being the best you can be.

    8 years ago
  • #41 Tony Chapman of LinuxRecruit shares his incredible recruitment journey

    8 years ago
  • #40: Liz Longman chats to Roy Ripper about being true to yourself in recruitment

    8 years ago
  • #39: Amit Somaiya encourages us to enjoy the journey, not just the destination

    8 years ago
  • Ben Scobie-Trumper talks about working in the golden age of recruitment

    8 years ago
  • Kai Murray tells you how to invest in your future

    8 years ago
  • #36 Toby Thwaites likes to keep ahead of the curve

    9 years ago
  • #35 James Blackwell believes self-education will make you a fortune

    9 years ago