Hiring School

Hiring School


Jackie Koch has been in the trenches building the teams that grow companies for over 15 years. She’s hired hundreds of people, navigated countless sticky situations, and earned an MBA along the way. From being deeply involved in the nitty-gritty of team building to now helping others navigate the waters of running a business, she wants to help you avoid the messes she’s had to help clean up. Listen in and discover insights on leadership dos and don’ts, strategies for effective hiring and team building, and essentials to keep your business in employment compliance. Through solo episodes, guest episodes featuring experts in the field, and candid conversations with her business partner you’ll be well on your journey to becoming the World’s Greatest Boss.

Recent Episodes

  • 184. If You Aren't Supporting Your Team's Financial Wellness, You Should Be with Mel Abraham

    6 days ago
  • 183. Mapping Out the Perfect Interview Process for Hiring Success

    2 weeks ago
  • 182. How to Build Effective People Processes in Any Business with Kristina Bartold

    3 weeks ago
  • 181. Don't Make This Common Mistake When Hiring New Team Members

    4 weeks ago
  • 180. Remove Obstacles to Grow Your Business with Kareen Zahr Walsh

    1 month ago
  • 179. How to Build a Strong Company DNA to Attract the Right Candidates and Repel the Wrong Ones

    1 month ago
  • 178. How to Select Candidates Who Will Contribute Positively and Effectively to Your Business with Jonathan Porter-Whistman

    2 months ago
  • 177. What You Need to Know About Updated U.S. Labor Laws

    2 months ago
  • 176. How to Define Core Values for the Culture You Crave with Ashley Alderson

    2 months ago
  • 175. Should Your Contractors Actually Be Employees? How to Properly Classify Workers to Avoid Legal Issues

    2 months ago