NOW of Work

NOW of Work


Now, more than ever, the workplace needs to bend to the workforce, not the other way around. The concept of the Digital Workplace has become real and more than likely forever. How does the combination of the new model of work blend with the work we have been doing from an HR perspective? Jess Von Bank and Jason Averbook are hosting this interactive digital meetup to foster collaboration and insight. As physical events become harder to make reality, virtual events are now mandatory. Listen, contribute, and share ideas for navigating the new world of work!

Recent Episodes

  • AI is only a part of the solution, not the whole - with Ben Sesser, Co-founder & CEO of BrightHire

    1 week ago
  • Age-Bias Check-in: The Role of AI and the Need for a Cohesive Vision in an Aging World of Work

    3 weeks ago
  • Special Episode: AI@Work

    1 month ago
  • Team Burnout Is Inevitable; Can AI Help? With Dave Gloss, Head of Team Effectiveness at AIIR Consulting

    1 month ago
  • Saving Money, Empowering Employees: How Summer is Revolutionizing Workplace Benefits

    1 month ago
  • Keep Bringing the Conversation Back to People: Talent Strategy with John Land & David Landman

    2 months ago
  • Lessons for HR Tech Implementations from a 40-Year-Old Japanese Pop Song

    2 months ago
  • The Dynamic Intersection of People & Technology — Plus a Live Demonstration of ChatGPT 4o

    2 months ago
  • Vendor Authenticity in HR Tech, and the ESG Playbook for HR by Brian Sommer, Founder & President of TechVentive

    2 months ago
  • If I’m the problem, how can I fix it? - Effective Leadership and Problem Solving with Summer Davies, Founder of LeaderShop

    3 months ago