Diversity Xtra Hosted by Don McKneely
August 20, 2019 1:00 am
We at Diversity Xtra believe diversity and inclusion are key to personal and professional success. We want to bring diverse perspectives on diversity and inclusion to you! Each week Don McKneely will be interviewing top business and government leaders across all sectors and walks of life on a variety of topics including diversity and inclusion in the supply chain, workplace, government, politics, daily life, and many more.
Recent Episodes
Episode 14: Pablo G.Schneider Founder of Renaissance Dinners
5 years agoEpisode 13: Kristin Schneider, General Manager for WE USA Magazine
5 years agoEpisode 12: Darcel Webb, Dallas Community College District
5 years agoEpisode 11: Gerald Grimes, President of IDM Products
5 years agoEpisode 10: Joe Mossinger, Senior Manager of Strategic Sourcing for Toyota Motors
5 years agoEpisode 9: Grace Hastings Supplier Diversity Manager - Oncor
5 years agoEpisode 8: Terry Quinton CEO of Q2 Marketing
5 years agoEpisode 7: Raymond Cervantes Program Director MBDA Business Center
5 years agoEpisode 6: Fred Moses,CEO of Telecom Electric Supply Company
5 years agoEpisode 5: Betty Manetta,President, and CEO of Argent Associates Inc
5 years ago